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Why you should sleep more?

Open Space

Have you ever sacrificed your sleep for work, studies or just entertainment? This article is going to tell you not to do so anymore.

Sleeping, as an essential activity of our lives, helps recharge our body and mind. It works like a miraculous potion to improve our physical and mental health.

Have you ever sacrificed your sleep for work, studies or just entertainment? Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t. Tell us in the comment section below if you agree with us or not.

  • Sleeping makes you smarter

Getting enough hours of high-quality sleep fosters attention and concentration. It improves our cognitive functions such as memory, problem-solving, creativity, emotional processing, and judgment. After having a good quality sleep, our brain cells reactivate and our neural connections are strengthened. Thus, harder tasks can be easily completed after a good night's sleep.

  • Sleeping makes you stronger

Sleep helps to build a stronger immune system as a high level of integrin activation in immune T cells has been produced during sleep. Clinical results show that after contact with viruses people with poor sleeping quality are more likely to get infected. Thus, it is highly encouraged to have enough sleep during this pandemic! Sleep also fights heart disease. A review of 15 studies found that people who don’t get enough sleep are at far greater risk of heart disease or stroke. Sleep allows your heart to ease the tension of the day. This means that the less sleep you get, the longer it requires for your body’s engine to work intensely during a 24-hour cycle. Since your heart has been working so hard to support you, why not grant them some rest?

  • Sleeping helps to lose weight

Studies show that sleep-deprived individuals have a bigger appetite and tend to take in more calories. Sleep deprivation disrupts the normal fluctuations in appetite hormones and is believed to cause poor appetite regulation. If you are on a diet and yet constantly feeling difficult to stick to it, why not try to work on your sleeping schedule too. The result might surprise you.

  • Sleeping makes you happy

Sleep is closely connected to our mental and emotional health. Researchers have proven that poor sleep, including insomnia, can be an inducement factor to mental health problems as well as a deteriorating one. During sleep, our brain works to evaluate and remember thoughts and memories. It appears that a lack of sleep is especially harmful to the consolidation of positive emotional content. Therefore, happy sleep, happy life.

Our body is like a well-designed magic machine, and quality sleeping is an important maintenance of ensuring it works properly. It is crucial to make sure that we have enough sleep every day. So, put down your phone and go sleep now.

This month is our Sleeping Month. Follow us if you are interested in the topic, more interesting facts and tips about sleeping are coming up soon.



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