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  • Open Space

Why minimalism? The choice is simple

One of the greatest Chinese strategists, Zhuge Liang, once wrote to his son in the letter at the end of his life - one cannot show clear ambition without taking the fame and wealth in front him lightly, and one cannot have lofty aspirations without a peaceful state of mind to concentrate and learn.

In today’s post, we want to show you why the concept of abandoning the redundant can be beneficial in life.

Minimalism helps you understand yourself better and make better decisions

Decluttering the unnecessary is always a good first step to becoming a minimalist. During the process of decluttering , you get to rethink carefully about how important and meaningful those possessions are in your life. If those things you surely would not let go in life, keep it; others, just let go. Through giving away things, you get to understand yourself better and this helps you make better decisions in the future.

Minimalism helps utilise your time, attention and energy

Focusing means giving your full attention to what you are doing without thinking about other things. Having a minimalist lifestyle is actually the process of focusing. It eliminates the distracting factors and focuses your effort, time and energy on those valuable to you.

Minimalism improves your mental health

The most common stress sources in this modern world are normally related to one of the following aspects: personal finance, work, relationships, time management and health (which will be mentioned in more detail in our following November posts). Good news is, minimalism can actually help with most of them! By inducing your thinking in prioritising only the important things in life can help to allocate your time and energy more effectively. which will lead to high productivity and helps to complete tasks on time. This will then reduce the guilt of poor time management and improve your mental health. .

Minimalism is environmentally sustainable

Minimalism is inherently sustainable as it reduces impulsive purchase which is stimulated by consumerism. This means less unnecessary consumption of goods and services hence less waste and carbon footprint. By being sustainable, we are actually protecting our Mother Earth and working towards a better quality of life. Eco-Minimalists also promote the idea to consume responsibly and be eco-friendly.

"True behaviour change is identity change." - Atomic Habit

Try incorporating minimalist principles bit by bit in life, you would gradually form the habits to think minimalistically, prioritise important things in life and eliminate the external ‘noise’ and distraction. Once you had your mind shifted to be minimalist, it would be effortless to have the desired behaviour and habits. Why not give it a go?


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