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October theme: Sleep

Open Space

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

Do you know that on average, we humans sleep for one third (⅓) of our lifetime. Crazy right? We are actually being encouraged to do nothing and just sleep for one third of our life.

What is harder to believe is that most of us actually forgo this legitimate reason to rest and instead we choose to spend our sleep time on social media, nights out and all sorts of tiring entertainment activities.


This month, we are going to discuss this activity that as an individual, we will all be spending most of our lifetime doing it.


On average, an adult needs to have seven (7) to eight (8) hours of sleep per day. While sleeping, we would go through four (4) to six (6) sleep cycles. Each cycle consists of rapid-eye-movement (REM) when the dreams occur and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) when we get into our deepest stage of sleep.


Have you ever wondered what your sleep quality looks like? Nowadays, there are many devices like smart watches available in the market to track our sleep cycle. Have you ever worn one to track your sleep? How accurate is it? Tell us below and share with us the best sleep tracking device that you would recommend.


This month is our Sleeping Month. Follow us if you are interested in the topic, more interesting facts and tips about sleeping are coming up soon.



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