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  • Open Space

Minimalism: What is it? There are different types too?

Minimalism emerged firstly in the 1950s as a post WW2 movement in art and design. Its concept of simplicity and spareness has then inspired people in many other different aspects of life. Nowadays, minimalism is not simply a form of owning less in life or the white wall and empty space in your home. It becomes something deeper, and more about fully understanding yourself and knowing what is more important to you. It becomes a weapon that helps you in the battle with consumerism that encourages consumption in an ever-increasing amount. It becomes a tool to eliminate distractions to gain spiritual freedom and help you pursue your authentic passion and focus on things and people you genuinely care about.

Here are some types of Minimalism, which one are you or which one you want to become?

1. Aesthetic Minimalism

Aesthetic minimalist loves having minimum items displaced in the space to avoid unnecessary distractions in the room. They also use a lot of the calmest colour of white to create a pure and free from mess atmosphere. This style improves productivity, especially in your study or office.

2. Eco-Minimalism

Green minimalists focus more on environmental sustainability. They consume in a way that will have the least harmful impact on the planet. They also care greatly about waste, pollution, and carbon emission level.

3. Essential Minimalism

The preference of this type of minimalist is to spend only on the necessary items in life. They do not like possessing an unnecessary amount of things, instead, they own just the right amount of right items with the optimal functions for life.

4. Experiential Minimalism

The purpose of experiential minimalists to possess less is mainly to fit their travelling lifestyle. What they genuinely want to pursue is experiences instead of objects.

5. Mindful Minimalism

It is a bit like mindful meditation, mindful minimalists remove the ‘noises’ around them to be more concentrated on the moment and on the things they enjoy the most. Decluttering thoughts help reduce their anxiety. Stop caring about unimportant things gives them more time and energy to freely live and feel.

Remember, there are no rules of being a minimalist. Minimalism has many different types but they are all focusing on authenticity. It is a tool to prevent you getting lost in the distractions around you and help you find where your real passions are by clearing the noises.


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