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Easy dos and don'ts for new minimalists

Open Space

So far we have covered what minimalism is, the types of minimalism and the benefits of minimalism. Who is pumped and ready to give it a go with our 21 days minimalism challenge? After all, what is better than decluttering your surroundings before the end of 2021 and welcoming a fresh start.

However, is there anyone else feeling stuck and not having any ideas of where to start? Other than putting together a 21 days challenge and trying to experience minimalism step by step, I have also searched online to further gather some tips on how to become a minimalist. Here are some do and don’t for starters like you and me.

Things to do

1. Be intentional about what you allow in life

No matter if it is a product, an opportunity or a relationship, always think carefully whether it is necessary to have it in your life. If it brings more harm than good to your life, let it go. Even if it is a limited product or a rare opportunity, sometimes you do not need to have it all, it might be better to slip it away and wait for the next one that suits you better.

2. Focus on what matters most to you

The goal of minimalism is to align the ‘things’ in your life such as your stuff, your commitment and your relationship with your life principles. Once you start understanding and figuring out yourself, only then you can plan your time, energy and care wisely and spend them effectively on the most important things. Eliminating excess and unnecessary possession you own that doesn’t have much meaning or doesn’t spark joy in your life.

3. Stop procrastinating and just do it

Practical experience is way more valuable than just sitting there and reading tons of facts about minimalism. As much as we all hate to admit it, there are some items in our home that are just junk or useless. The box that your online shopping order came in, the bags that your food delivery came with and the shirt that you could not fit in. If you have not used it at least twice in the last six months, then it is time to throw it away. Start your first step with a literal clean slate and throw out all of the trash

Things not to do

1. Do not focus on throwing away all your stuff

Minimalist is not being the one with the least stuff and is never just throwing away stuff. It is all about knowing what is necessary and important. Sometime instead of focusing on decluttering, we should actually start by reducing what you are bringing into your life. This way it is way faster to start a minimalist life.

2. Do not follow blindly on other’s way of minimalism

There is no one size fits all. Your version of minimalism might not look like my version of minimalism- and that is completely normal. Everyone values things differently. Some things might be necessary or essential to others but not for you. Be aware of the influences of commercial advertisement. Do not blindly follow the external trend, and succumb to social pressure — be authentic to your own needs.

3. Do not pressure yourself

‘Minimalism is a tool we use to live a meaningful life. There are no rules.’ - Joshua Fields Millburn. Experience yourself different ways of practicing minimalism, you will one day find out your most comfortable way to live minimalistically.

We hope that with these do and don’t it will set you up to be part of the minimalism community. If you still do not know where to start, why not join our 21 days minimalism challenge and push yourself to do one minimalism activity per day with us.


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