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December Theme: Reflection and Appreciation

Open Space

‘Tis the season! It’s not only the holiday season where we celebrate, play Secret Santa and drink mulled wine, it is also the month where all of us reflect, appreciate, and set goals for the coming new year. For our last month in 2021, we are going to discuss reflection and appreciation.

Reflection allows us to acknowledge where we’ve been for the past year and take the lessons learnt forward to the new year; while appreciation brings positive effects and helps us find meaning in our past and present experiences.

How has 2021 been for you so far? Yes, the first thing you might want to say: we’re still in the midst of a pandemic and all... But it’s not that bad right? At least – congratulations – we’ve all made it through! Has this year taught you a thing or two? Is there something or someone that you’re grateful for? Time for a little bit of reflection and gratitude, and we might discover that even though the current world feels a little apocalyptic, it isn’t so bad after all, and there are still little things to be grateful for in our everyday life.

In the coming weeks we will share some facts as well as our experiences on reflection and appreciation. We will also be organizing a Secret Pigeon event where we provide a platform for you all to show your appreciation. Follow us for further details on this month’s theme and event, and let’s wrap up our last month of 2021 together!


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